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4 Reasons to Get Your Thyroid Checked

4 Reasons to Get Your Thyroid Checked

The human body can’t function properly without hormones. These essential chemicals coordinate everything so your body knows precisely what to do and when to do it.

So far, experts have successfully identified more than 50 hormones involved in numerous bodily processes, such as:

Hormones are also responsible for homeostasis. They keep internal systems in balance, from blood pressure and blood sugar levels to fluids, electrolytes, and body temperature.

So, when hormones get thrown off, even a little bit, it can cause issues where you least expect it.

As an ear, nose, and throat specialist, Dr. Vandana Kumra has expertise in a specific hormone producer in the neck: The thyroid. 

Thyroid disease prevents the thyroid from producing the right amount of hormones. Here are four reasons to get your thyroid checked.

1. Significant weight changes you can’t explain

Gaining or losing a few pounds usually isn’t cause for concern, especially when you can pinpoint a cause, like the holidays or work stress.

However, if you notice more significant changes in your waistline that you can’t explain, it could be your thyroid.

2. You’re never a comfortable temperature

Too hot? Too cold? Your thyroid could be struggling to manage your temperature.

One of the thyroid’s many responsibilities is temperature regulation. When the gland functions properly, cells produce 65% energy and 35% heat

But when imbalance occurs, it produces too much heat and not enough energy — or the exact opposite. 

These changes in hormone levels make a person more sensitive to cold or heat. They can even prompt excessive sweating and clammy skin.

3. Changes in your appearance

Has your hair become coarse, weak, or brittle? Is your skin dry, itchy, red, or irritated? It’s easy to brush these symptoms aside as a minor annoyance. But your body could be trying to tell you something.

Additional changes that can indicate a thyroid problem include:

If you’ve noticed changes in your skin that appear with any of the symptoms mentioned above, it could be time for a thyroid check.

4. Fatigue and sleep problems

Feeling tired from time to time usually isn’t cause for concern, especially when trying to keep up with the daily demands. However, when you feel fatigued and worn out day after day, it’s time to see a doctor.

Whether you have an overactive or underactive thyroid, it’s common to experience fatigue. Sometimes, it’s because your hormone imbalance makes it difficult to sleep at night. However, it can also occur because the imbalance zaps your body of energy.

In addition to fatigue, it’s common for thyroid disorders to cause muscle weakness, which adds to exhaustion.

Diagnosing and treating thyroid problems

Dr. Kumra is highly skilled at diagnosing thyroid and parathyroid dysfunction. 

During your exam, Dr. Kumra performs a physical exam to check for nodules or gland enlargements. She also discusses your symptoms and medical history.

Dr. Kumra could recommend additional diagnostics, like blood and imaging tests, based on your exam.

Depending on the specific cause, there are several methods to manage thyroid problems. In some cases, Dr. Kumra recommends medications to restore hormone balance. However, some thyroid disorders require surgery to remove some or all of the gland.

Should you get your thyroid checked? Contact the office of Vandana Kumra, MD, in New York City to learn more today.

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