Put an End to Your Chronic Sinusitis with PROPEL®

If you’ve ever had a head cold or sinus infection, you know firsthand the pain and discomfort they can cause. Now, imagine your symptoms lasted for 12 weeks or longer, a condition known as chronic sinusitis.
Approximately 4.1 million office visits occur each year in the United States because of chronic sinusitis. The most common signs of this persistent sinus condition include:
- Nasal inflammation
- Postnasal drainage in the back of the throat
- Thick, discolored nasal discharge
- Nasal congestion
- Tenderness, pain, and swelling around the cheeks, eyes, nose, or forehead
- Reduced taste and smell
Vandana Kumra, MD, offers the most advanced, minimally invasive techniques available to treating ear, nose, and throat problems at her ENT practice in New York City. If you have chronic sinusitis, here’s what’s to blame for your symptoms and how PROPEL implants could help.
Taking a closer look at your sinuses
When you have sinusitis, your sinuses don’t drain properly. As fluid builds up, your nasal passages become inflamed, which leads to swelling and infection in your sinus cavities.
Chronic sinusitis problems can occur for a variety of reasons, such as:
- Viral and bacterial respiratory infections, like the common cold
- Nasal polyps
- A crooked septum between your nostrils
- Allergies, like hayfever
- Other medical conditions, including cystic fibrosis and HIV
In most cases, Dr. Kumra can treat sinusitis using more conservative methods, such as corticosteroids, saline irrigation, or medications to address underlying conditions, including allergies, nasal polyps, or infection.
However, when chronic sinusitis symptoms don’t respond to these therapies, Dr. Kumra could recommend endoscopic nasal surgery with PROPEL sinus implants.
How sinus surgery and PROPEL can help
During nasal and sinus surgery, Dr. Kumra inserts special instruments through your nostrils to treat blockages in your sinuses and promote drainage.
Sinus surgery procedures can vary based on the cause of your chronic sinusitis. For example, Dr. Kumra might remove excess tissue like a nasal polyp or enlarge a narrow sinus opening. However, regardless of the procedure, Dr. Kumra often inserts the PROPEL sinus stent when complete to ensure optimal outcomes after treatment.
PROPEL is an innovative medical device designed to hold the sinuses open after surgery and deliver precise amounts of anti-inflammatory medication directly into the sinus tissues. The result? Reduced postoperative scarring and inflammation. It also reduces your chances of needing additional surgical procedures and oral steroids.
As your sinus heals in a more open position, the PROPEL stent dissolves, typically within 30-45 days. They’re also clinically proven to offer long-term results and improved patient outcomes after nasal and sinus surgery because of their remarkable ability to target inflammation at the source.
Are you tired of living with chronic sinusitis? Contact us in New York City to schedule an exam with Dr. Kumra by calling 646-859-6136 or booking online today.
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