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Telemedicine available. Stay connected with your doctor!

What is Telemedicine?

Telemedicine refers to the practice of caring for patients remotely when the provider and patient are not physically present with each other. Modern technology has enabled doctors to consult patients by using HIPAA compliant video-conferencing tools.

Benefits to utilizing Telemedicine.

As a result of the current situation - sheltering in place to battle the COVID-19 outbreak -  it is difficult to visit your physicians as you normally would. With Telemedicine, you are able to connect with Dr. Kumra virtually, allowing you to be evaluated without travel. Triage, diagnosis and treatment can be performed over a virtual visit. 

How can you book a Telemedicine appointment with your doctor?

If you have any ENT concerns, you may book your Telemedicine appointment with Dr. Kumra by booking online via PatientPop, booking online via ZocDoc, and also by calling our office at 212-580-1483.  After calling the office, wait until you hear the voicemail and press 301 to be connected to our receptionist.

Social distancing is very important during this outbreak, but you can still get the help you need from Dr. Kumra, in a timely manner and in the comfort of your own home.  The office is planning to open the first week of May for in person evaluations as needed.  Safety protocols will be in place for the patients and staff, and telemedicine will continue to be available.

Dr. Vandana Kumra Dr. Vandana Kumra Doctor

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